Looking at food as a young New Yorker

Monday, March 3, 2008

Feeling Carniverous?

If you took a look and thought to yourself, “I’m looking at 30 pounds of short ribs,” then you would be correct. I have my first catering job coming up Wednesday and asked my dad to go to Ottomanelli’s to pick up some short ribs for me. Along the way we had a little miscommunication and we wound up with 30 pounds.

What did I do? First I focused on prepping the short ribs for my catering job on Wednesday night. Then I cancelled my dinner reservation at AOC Bedford, called my friend Allegra over (we were celebrating her birthday) and opened up a 1967 Proddutori Del Barbaresco to go with the other short ribs that I cooked. When all was said and done I cooked about 20 of the 30 pounds of ribs.

After dinner I worked on perfecting my mini chocolate cakes and finished on some fine herbs and gruyere gnocchi. I think next Sunday comes the short ribs and red wine tasting with the other 10 pounds that are now resting nicely in my freezer.

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