Looking at food as a young New Yorker

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

my fingers hurt

Ok, so not a whole lot to write about for now. The Friday dinner party came and went and was a lot of fun. My friend Julia took some great pictures, that she has yet to finish editing, so I’ll wait until she’s done before I write any more about the subject.

I did use the leftovers from the dinner to make s couple of delicious things for Sunday night dinner. First there was a seared foie gras with plum and apricot chutney, and pistachios after that I made a chevre fritter with sweet corn, pesto and spicy tomato sauce.

Other than that I’ve been cooking a lot more than normal. I don’t want to type too much because the other day I cut my finger and then today I definitely got a nice burn on the finger that I had the cut on. My hand are a mess…

Later this week: Thoughts on Blue Hill, dinner party photos (hopefully)

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