Looking at food as a young New Yorker

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Contest

I’ve had this blog for almost a year now and have recently been thinking of a way to celebrate the one year anniversary of its birth. At first I thought of hosting a dinner, but that seemed like too much work. I love cooking but I wanted this to be a celebration that would require little to no effort on my part. So, I thought I’d do something fun and have a contest.

I am looking for someone to write me a fantastic e-mail about food or a food experience and list at least two restaurants that they would really like to go to and why (compelling reasons people). I will take the author of the most interesting, passionate and funny (I’d like to laugh at least twice) e-mail out to dinner at one of the restaurants you chose. While I’d like to say cost is not an issue, it does matter a little. However, that should not restrict which restaurants you choose to write about, as you all know, I’m a sucker for good food. Again, please make your e-mail entertaining as I hope to post the winning entry on the site.

So…. write me an e-mail, tell me how fantastic I am, write about some restaurants, and perhaps you will have the chance to have a wonderful night of eating on me. I might even choose two people if the restaurant we pick warrants it.

Please note that the date of the dinner will be either Friday January 25th or Saturday January 26th and the contest will end one month earlier on Christmas day. I’ll post a contest reminder at least once a week.

You can find my e-mail address in the 'About Me' section at the bottom of the page

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